Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's the Shannonator

Yeah, Buddy! She's mine, and life is good. More to come.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Charlie's Soap is da bomb!

Charlie's Soap is where it's at. Okay, it's more like it's where I'm at, but I love being here. I've posted on many websites always worrying about sounding like a commercial. I guess with my own blog, I finally get to sound like a commercial without worrying!

So where do I start? The website. Yeah. I'm the bald one on the right, for anyone who cares. I love working at the family business. I've been through a handful of career choices and nearly as many wives, and for once in my life I feel like I'm where I need to be.

The cool things just stack up. I get to use the MBA I went to school for. I get to live at home without living at home. By that, I mean, I have a house in town but get to visit my parents and brothers whenever I want but also...go home. I get to make my own hours. Most of these are the things you normally get to do when you work for the family business. But the really cool thing about this business is...the product actually is pretty damn good.

So I get to enjoy my day AND sell a product that actually works. I use Charlie's Soap on everything from the cats to the cars, and from jeans to curtains. It's a conversation starter wherever I go, and I'm very proud of it. What can I say? Charlie's Soap is simply the best laundry detergent available, and the best all-purpose cleaner around ... hands down.

Of course, if you read this, you're like... of course he's going to say that. He works for the company and has a vested interest in its success. And you're right. But the difference is that I don't think I could sleep at night if I went around saying it was the best and it wasn't. So you can take this as a commercial, or you can take this as a sign that I really love what I do.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just Empty Every Pocket

I love my Jeep. It's a pain in the butt, but the seats work, so I guess it's not *literally* a pain in the butt. All I want to do is getting it working well enough so I can enjoy the summer in in top that too much to ask?