Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics

Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Russia has welded forever to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!

Let's see, aside from immediate calls for the impeachment of a president actively trying to keep those who would impeach him from getting killed, what can we look forward to?

Higher taxes. Oh, they'll call it a tax cut for the middle class, but since they have no desire to cut medicare and social security taxes, that will amount to approximately a buck three-eighty. In the mean time they purport to roll back the tax cuts for the wealthy. Heck, I'm trying to be wealthy, but now that will be a crime punishable by an ever increasing tax burden. The end result is that the middle class will have an extra buck three-eighty to spend at payday, but less of them will be getting paid because the wealthy who hire them will have to fire them to cover the cost of the tax increases on them.

Lower real wages. That's right. They'll push for a raise of the minimum wage. This means nothing on so many levels, but I'll just pick one. So few people actually get paid minimum wage so very few people will actually get any more money. But businesses who perceive the increase in cost will do one (or both) of two things. They will raise prices to cover the cost. So now the 99 cent value meal will go up...and this is just a guess at the numbers... about the same that the poor Joe getting paid minimum wage's paycheck went up. So no real gain there. But most likely, the businesses will either lay off current workers to save money or just put off hiring more people. The end result is for the few people that actually get the "raise", they'll see their buying power change not much at all. There are a ton more arguments of why a minimum wage is stupid, but that's another debate.

End of aggressive stance against Islamo-fascists. If we put our head in the sand and remove our troops, like many of the democrat leaders and their ilk have put forth, it will embolden them and they will find ways to wreak havok everywhere they know how. When we pulled out of Vietnam, only a few other contries fell to the Red Chinese. They didn't have the werewithall to attack us here. But it's alreay been proven that they can, have one many occasions, and will in the future attack us here. It might not be tomorrow. In fact. It probably won't be for a while, but the democrats are on record as saying they do not want to fight this battle. So it will come back here.

Good bye Fair Tax. That's right. Everybody who decides to change the conditions of that bill and then argue against it are diluted. It was the best chance for this country to leap ahead and actually have the people wrest control of government spending. But many democrats bought into the lie that it would tax the poor to abject poverty, and that rich people wouldn't have to pay a dime in taxes, and that it would be too complicated. Well, for your efforts, you get the IRS.

Good bye lower gas prices. That's right. Everytime the gas price goes up, you can see the dems tack on a winfall profits tax to them. (Why stotyp there? Why not everybody who makes more than "their fair share") So what will gas companies do? Take a hit? NO, you MORON! They'll raise prices to compensate for the extra taxes they'll have to pay and you'll see prices go WAY up. Then they'll put in gas price controls, and then you get...you guessed it... rationing, long gas lines, no gas. Oh, you say...that could NEVER happen. Right?

Hello...government overcontrol over small business. I can't even begin to tell you the man-hours and money wasted on preparing tax statments every month. I know the IRS has little to do with all of it, but the state sure does model their collections after it. Plus, this is a blue state, and they're more than happy to intrude. Overcontrol means less time to actually do useful work, and profits will suffer. Less money in the economy, jobs at our suppliers suffer because we can't order as much, and everything goes downhill.

Hello higher taxes in general. The dems would like nothing better than to tax all the rich people and give their money to the poor. It's stated time and time again. Why? Because they DO NOT BELIEVE IN YOU! The dems think everyone is stupid and unable to make it in this world without their help. So, why not take it from those who "won life's lottery" and give it away? Because pretty soon, you don't have a bunch of well off middle class people, you have everybody in abject poverty except the ruling elite. Name me a communist country where that has not happened?

I'm so mad I could spit at the republicans for giving this away. They have no one to blame but themselves for refusing to put forth an agenda that they really believed in. Instead, they tried to appease the left. Well, look what it got them. This election could have gone a totally different way if the republicans could have stood up and said we're going to vote on the fair tax, we're going to stop building bridges to no-where, we're going to invest heavily in getting all of our oil from this country, and we're going to stand up and say it's your country. We'll defend it the best we know how, but it's up to you to create it.

People, grow up. Take personal responsibility. This world is what you make it, not what the dems promise you, because I assure you...it's just an empty promise.

Good night, God bless, and my God have mercy on our souls.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

And Now a word from the Cat

Not that she has any stardom in her future, but here are some pictures of my favorite Moog. She's my little Ragdoll.

I've got to get some pics of the big calico named Isis, or Pickle, or Piggie or #$&@#$%#&...depending on how she's behaving.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It's the Shannonator

Yeah, Buddy! She's mine, and life is good. More to come.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Charlie's Soap is da bomb!

Charlie's Soap is where it's at. Okay, it's more like it's where I'm at, but I love being here. I've posted on many websites always worrying about sounding like a commercial. I guess with my own blog, I finally get to sound like a commercial without worrying!

So where do I start? The website. Yeah. www.charliesoap.com I'm the bald one on the right, for anyone who cares. I love working at the family business. I've been through a handful of career choices and nearly as many wives, and for once in my life I feel like I'm where I need to be.

The cool things just stack up. I get to use the MBA I went to school for. I get to live at home without living at home. By that, I mean, I have a house in town but get to visit my parents and brothers whenever I want but also...go home. I get to make my own hours. Most of these are the things you normally get to do when you work for the family business. But the really cool thing about this business is...the product actually is pretty damn good.

So I get to enjoy my day AND sell a product that actually works. I use Charlie's Soap on everything from the cats to the cars, and from jeans to curtains. It's a conversation starter wherever I go, and I'm very proud of it. What can I say? Charlie's Soap is simply the best laundry detergent available, and the best all-purpose cleaner around ... hands down.

Of course, if you read this, you're like... of course he's going to say that. He works for the company and has a vested interest in its success. And you're right. But the difference is that I don't think I could sleep at night if I went around saying it was the best and it wasn't. So you can take this as a commercial, or you can take this as a sign that I really love what I do.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just Empty Every Pocket

I love my Jeep. It's a pain in the butt, but the seats work, so I guess it's not *literally* a pain in the butt. All I want to do is getting it working well enough so I can enjoy the summer in in top down...is that too much to ask?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Capitalists ARE conservationists

I, myself am an entrepreneur and thus, a capitalist at heart. I hear a lot about how government should force (by whatever means they can) businesses to be more environmentally conscious. What I don't understand is why business leaders don't decide to do it of their own free will.

What is the sole purpose of a business? To maximize shareholder wealth. You might be the only shareholder, or you might have thousands as a public company would. Let's take a look at the word "maximize". To put it in terms of math, a maximum is a point on a graph where the slope goes to zero and starts negative again, i.e. the top of a sine wave. That is a "maximum" Take a look at the whole graph, and you have a maximum, then a minimum, then another maximum, and so forth and so on. Basically, it never really goes anywhere. Just up and down. Now, if you want to "maximize" the area under that graph, it has to keep going up and up to the right. It can't peak and then come crashing down.

That might have been a little complicated, but what I wanted to say is that for a business to "maximize" shareholder wealth, that wealth must continue to increase over time, not just peak out (like with a fad) and then fall back into obscurity.

I, myself, want my business to keep increasing my wealth (one of 5 shareholders). To do that, I want to want to make sure that I don't destroy the environment from whence I get my raw materials. I don't want to destroy the air I breathe while I'm making my product. I really don't want to upset my customers by destroying their property and endangering their life. I want to make a quality product that I can continue to make "forever". That is the very definition of conservation, and likewise, the very definition of capitalism.

The two are one in the same. Some businesses don't want to make a buck tomorrow, they just want to make it today. The market will take care of them without government intervention.

For more information about me, my business, and essentially my business ethics, take a look at my website... http://www.charliesoap.com